Selling Your Business to Outsiders

If you’re a business owner near the age of retirement, here are a few things to keep in mind about selling your business.

There are lots of different ways of selling your business to outsiders. You can go to business brokers, finance people, investment banks, and so on.

At Nabity Business Advisors, we’ll work with you to make sure that everything is packaged properly so that when the time comes to take the business to the market, you and your management team are ready. Having a third party involved will help you find the best candidate to take over your business.

Your buyer might be someone friendly to you from inside the industry, or they could be a complete stranger you know nothing about. Regardless, we will work with that other party, go through the numbers, and try to find common ground for the greater good of both parties. We want to make sure their offer is reasonable, that you’re treated fairly, and that they’re not going to come in and gut the business that you’ve worked so hard to build. With us as a third-party intermediary, we’ll work to make sure that you can retire with peace of mind and that the buyer is in a position to succeed after taking over your company.

If you’re thinking of selling your business so you can retire, or would like to consider it for the future, reach out to us. We can give you ideas about positioning your company to be ready for sale when the time comes.

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